Welcome to my new blog & website!

A pineapple "tea for one" set that I hand-painted at a place called "Paint-a-Pot Spot"

Hello, this is my new and improved blog & website. I am in the process of transferring my blog using the WordPress platform from the Blogger platform. This is my first “official” post using WordPress.

Welcome! Today I was reading about the symbolism of the pineapple. Do you know why it became a symbol of  hospitality or how it got the name pineapple? It was interesting learning more about the history of the behind this welcoming fruit. One of my favorite historical facts about the pineapple is that during Colonial times, households would “rent” a pineapple to have on display at their tables to welcome their dinner guests. Afterward the rented pineapple would be purchased by a more affluent family who would actually eat the fruit.

To learn more about the symbolism of the pineapple stop by Pineapple from the New World Encyclopedia and Social History of the Pineapple by Hoag Levins.

About christine

A watercolor and sculpture artist and avid crafter/designer. Working creatively with my hands is what gives me joy and contentment and makes me want to get up in the morning.
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6 Responses to Welcome to my new blog & website!

  1. Man, talk about a fantastic post! I?ve stumbled across your blog a few times within the past, but I usually forgot to bookmark it. But not again! Thanks for posting the way you do, I genuinely appreciate seeing someone who actually has a viewpoint and isn?t really just bringing back up crap like nearly all other writers today. Keep it up!

  2. Kelley says:

    Wow. But that makes sense, considering how much it probably cost to ship pineapples to some places in Colonial days. I have noticed that lots of furniture of that period, especially four-poster beds, had pineapple finials. That would also fit in with the symbolism of hospitality. Hmmmm.

    • christine says:


      It’s interesting that you brought up about the furniture decorated with the pineapple motif. When I was reading about pineapples, it said that guests slept in beds adorned with pineapples even if the bed was in the homeowner’s bedroom. That’s how much they regarded the hospitality symbol of the pineapple.

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